Blockquotes are used to highlight quotes or specific aspects of your content are are styled to look different.
This is a blockquote example.
To add a blockquote to your own post or page, you’ll highlight your text and then use the icon on the toolbar when you’re editing a post that looks like a quote.
Ordered List
You can also add Ordered List to your posts/pages by highlighting your text and then using the icon on the toolbar that looks like 3 lines with little numbers next to it. An example of an ordered list is as follows:
- Ordered list item #1
- Ordered list item #2
- Ordered list item #3
- Ordered list item #4
- Ordered list item #5
Unordered List
You can also add Unordered List to your posts/pages by highlighting your text and then using the icon on the toolbar that looks like 3 lines with little dots next to it. An example of an unordered list is as follows:
- Unordered list item
- Unordered list item
- Unordered list item
- Unordered list item
- Unordered list item