“His name is Crispy. He’s a cat. He needs fooooooooooood…”
Ahhh… how refreshing conversation can be with a 3 year old! Meet Jacob. He is a high energy, independant, bilingual (French in case you were wondering) little sweetheart. Jacob has a new little brother, Joshua, who is almost 3 months old. Their (amazing, wonderful, funny, etc) parents are Stephan and Melissa.
Jake and Josh have great taste when it comes to cousins! ReiGuy, Quinny, Jake and Josh (and about 27.5478 other children under five in Jeff’s family) are second cousins.
So, back to Crispy. Crispy is Jacob’s pet at school. Jacob and I talked about Crispy a lot last Saturday. Apparently Crispy requires a large amount of food and gets lost a lot. Jacob really likes to talk about Crispy and didn’t really like to do many smiles. However, whenever we chatted about Crispy Jacob became super silly and very animated. Perfect! Silly smiles, after all, are the best smiles and usually the most genuine too.
So here he is; Jacob, his family, and his silly Crispy photoshoot. Enjoy!
Hope you enjoyed it! All our love, Lubattis!