Star Trek, 34 degrees, a fly.
For those of you who don’t know, I am NOT a morning person. Especially a ’34 degrees outside, frost on the ground and we’re outta coffee’ morning person. However. Considering the amount of fun I had traipsing around Canyon Park business park with Jen and Kevin, I may be able to be persuaded from my warm, cozy bed to see the morning sunrise more often.
Because these images are amazing.
I want them for myself. BIG. On a canvas. Beautiful images of you and your spouse are not super common unless you make it a priority. So the kids are out of the house? Do it. Maybe the kids are still at home? Get a sitter. You feel fat, you’re getting wrinkles, etc, etc, etc. If you try hard enough, you will find an excuse for anything. These lovely people waited 15 years between photo sessions. Please enjoy their images. I did.. taking them, processing them and now showing them. I hope Jen squeals a little when she sees them. đŸ™‚